Permíteme suscribir la visión de A. C. Grayling al respecto. Particularmente relevante es su artículo "Believers are away with the fairies", acerca del enfrentamiento creciente entre creyentes y no creyentes.
Me permito recortar, a modo de resumen trapero:
- Cogen (aún) más de nuestro dinero: Now Muslims, Sikhs and Jews receive public money for their own faith-based schools.
- Consiguen nuevos privilegios: [Laws] criminalising offensive remarks about religion, and allowing faith-based organisations to be exempt from legislation outlawing discriminatory practices.
- Acumulan un poder desproporcionado: The religious Right has political clout and can make a loud noise in the [American] public square, whereas the non-religious voice is muted.
- Any increase in the influence of religious bodies in society threatens the de facto secular arrangement that allows all views.
- Religious belief of all kinds shares the same intellectual respectability, evidential base, and rationality as belief in the existence of fairies.
With such a view of religion - as ancient superstition, as a primitive form of explanation of the world sophisticated into mythology - it is hard for non-religious folk to take it seriously, and equally hard for them to accept the claim of religious folk to a disproportionate say in running society.